Sunday, August 06, 2006

Can you smell what the Rock is Cookin??

Yesterday I did a 50+ mile ride. I heard about Uvas Canyon was a nice place to go hiking and see some good waterfalls. I gave Kristin a Map on how to get there and told her I would meet her there. The ride takes you through my side of town and along 1/2 half of the Tour De California time trial. While I was on that road, I met up an adult cycling team. They were leaving at 30 second I joined right in. I caught the person in front of me and almost the person in front of him. I was movin. I will mention I had a few others who kicked my butt as well. Even two girls. I swear they had some synthetic testosterone in them. I think their mustaches gave it away. Well, they turned and I kept going around 2 lakes. A really nice ride in some wine country and over some good hills. I finally turned down the road to Uvas Canyon park. You should look it up on line. It was really nice. It is 4 miles off the main road and you wind through the bottom of a huge valley. Near the end you slow your speed down to 5 mph as you pass through a "Sweedish" community that lives up there. Kinda weird..almost cultish but they all seemed really nice and it looked like a big Family reunion. Kristin was already there with the kids. I was shakin because I did not anticipate 50 miles of hills. I had originally planned on riding back....but the quarterback was toast. We went on a mile hike with the kids on "waterfall loop". They really liked that. Eryn just wanted to play in the water so hung with her and Briggs while Kristin and Reagan kept marching up and down the loop. Briggs used the Bug catcher that Oma got him to collect his victims. It was a long day but I felt really good. I only have two more Saturdays left to put in some good rides. I also only have 5 spin classes remaining to get into shape. I feel like I am at least at par or better then i was last year. The true test will be in a few weeks. Master Yoda and OB1, you boys keep playin your games.
It's August baby and the Hogg is in the kitchen cookin up something special. You won't know what it is until you are at the table. It will be a full course meal with all the fixins. Topped of with a 42 oz. can of whoop-ass....

1 comment:

C and C Beecher said...

Can I get that can super sized? If not, I'll just take a bottle of testosterone. I'll need a boost of some kind for the ride.

Svedal it looks like is the town. Nice ride. Nothing like spending some time on the bike on a Saturday.