Sunday, December 03, 2006

What's goin on in the Kitchen?

Thought I would just provide an update on the latest happenings of the hogg. I just finished reading Beecher's blog and I am pumped for next year. The goals are as follows:

* 8 century rides...(both organized and non)
* 3500 total miles for the year
* At least 1 Cat 5 race
* HHH sub 5 hours (finish with Cole and Beecher all together)
* Col de Hamilton - Less then 1:50

I think these are all real. I even might bake in a triathalon. We will see how the summer is going. That is one thing about Cali is that there are so many things to do.
This week I hit Spin class both Tuesday and Thurs. I felt pretty good on for both, K joined me as well and she is starting to find her second wind. On Friday, I took the day off so we could do some shopping. We went early in the morning to do Body Pump and that class kicked my butt. I am very sore all over. It was a great class however and really builds your core. My focus during the winter will be to build up my "Planet Core" (star wars 1). I feel that was a huge weakness for me this year and I need to get stronger there. So that means a ton of actvities I hate such as sit-ups and crap. I have been eating pretty good as of late so I can stay lean....although the holiday season does not help the cause. I went for a 40 miler yesterday. I cut it short because it got dark and I was underdressed. I spent the evening tinkering with my seat still to find the best fit. I will take it in for a tune up shortly at the LBS. Ohhh during my ride I was the victim of my first drive my punch. Some punk kids pulled up next to me in their car and this guy leaned out the window and took a swing at me as they passed me. He hit me square in the ass. It did not hurt at all..(since it is rock hard) and they thought it was pretty funny. Cowards!! They will get there reward someday.

Last night K and I went to go see the new Bond movie. Very good if you like Bond. I thought the new guy who plays Bond did nice job. I would recommend this. I give it 3 out of 4 Hammer Gels. K and I did feel bad that we did not get back home until 1 am. It is a long movie...

Work is going good. I have all the countries coming in this week for a leadership focus. I plan on taking some of them to a warriors or sharks game.

They announced the Tour De California 2nd stage and it goes along the route I took when I rode in Napa Valley. Pretty cool. Th third stage will find them in San Jose...just not sure where yet.

I plan on hitting that one as well. Maybe ride to where they will roll by to see if I can sneak in some camera time.