Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Another night

This will be my last night alone. There was no dancing in my underwear with Bobbie Segar, no ladies, no Bud, no Chronic, not even a 187. Just me chillin with my pot pies and the Suns. They drive me crazy. They go up by 10 only to let those freakin Mavs come back. I can't stand the Mavs. I so wished the Spurs would have beat them. That would have been a great series. I know the Suns can't win it this season because Shaq Daddy is on a mission this year. I just don't want the Mavs to be in the finals.
This week is the big move. I will fly back to SA and pick up the kids. I am not sure where all our stuff is going to go....but we will manage. Kristin is really good at this stuff.
This weekend I went for two long rides. On Sat. I took a ride down to Morgan hill for the "Mushroom festival". I then turned around against the wind for another 20. I tried to take the San Felipe Pass back to our house and I boked 1/4 up the hill. This hill is a monster. It is 2.2 miles of hill but steep ASSS. I knew I needed to save some in the tank to get over a longer flat hill...so I backed off. I kinda felt like a punk that I did not make it all the way up...but I already had 41 miles on my CAT so I justified it...along with the last two hills before the house.
Monday I took-off from the apt. and headed towards Mt. Hamilton. I could only ride 3 hours since I had a B-B-Q so I went as long and as hard as I could for 1 and 1/2 then turned around. I felt really strong. I passed other dudes going up the hill and I had good rythum. I am going to miss riding this weekend. I am starting to feel a bit stronger...just need to keep doing it.
Anyway.....wordlife to all you mutha's....


Friday, May 26, 2006

Valley of the Sun

Just chillin right now watching the Suns do their thing. It was good to see them get a win the other night. We will see if they get one more and sweep these fools. I am going for a long ride tommorrow. I am going to ride down the 101 towards Gilroy for about 25 miles or so then come back. That should give me a good burn. It's been a few weeks since I have been on the bike. I rode the stationary 2x this week. I had a great time in Hawaii with my girl. Everything about it was perfect. It was difficult coming back and doing the old away from home apartment thing. This however is my last week on my own. I will fly back Wed and then bring the family back to San Jose to begin the next episode.
Work is going good. There is plenty of it. I am still trying to get my sea-legs in some areas.
Well...now for a final session of "Things on my Mind" -

Suns are pretty good...wait until next year!! I'm Carol by Briggs. Kristin leaving the computer on. Eryn saying " I like poop " , LOST, my ride, pain, a new bike, a three day weekend, the move.

Not much on my mind right now since I am watch the Suns lose game 2. See ya SUnday..

Saturday, May 06, 2006


Well I did it. I wanted to turn around 2 x out on the hill. But I knew it was only 20 miles. I could do that. It does not seem like alot..but when every mile is all up hill, those miles get long. To get to Mt. Hamilton, you nedd to attack three hills. The whole time you can see the observatory saying.."come and get me". Tha last hill was a killer. Switchbacks all the way up. I had it in my grannie and standing up. I saw a bunch of riders come down the hill and it gave me some power to do what they did. I finally made it to the top. IT was windy and cold. I had to stay up there for about an hour to recover. It was nice to think I had 20 more miles of all down-hill. My brake pads got a work-out. This will be my new hills ride. I think it will get easier now that I have done it once. The first time seems to be the hardest since you don't know what to expect. On the way back, I passed a bunch of old guys coming up the hill with their sadlle bags and all. I want to be able to do this hill at that age. You can't beat the views as well on the trip. I felt like I was in the back country of Germany.
Anyway, I came back home and sat in the jacuzzi. It was nice. A few more days until I go back home...can't wait. The Suns won today and they looked like they have all year. I can only guess what they would be like w/ STAT healthy as well. I think the Clippers are going to give them a hard time. We will see.....I watched some of the Rocky's today. I laughed when rocky was in the pool trying to swim. He looked like a begginner. Then we his wife made him admit he was scared and the music started and he was training like a champ....he all of the sudden knew how to swim...too funny

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Just a hill

This Saturday it will be me against the hill!! I am going to the top of MT. Hamilton. 21 miles of incline to the top. I figure a total of 42 miles...half is all uphill. I can do it. It would be nice to have the ironman and Beecher with me on this one. Just not the same when you reach the summit on your own. Anyway, I will tell you all about it.
Work is going great. I am starting to understand what it is they pay me to do. I am still trying to get into the virtual management thing. I am used to going out on the floor and checking on things or fixing things. My floor now is in Europe. I can't go out there everyday. I will be going out this summer for a week or two. Each country has it's own collection law and they can do some crazy stuff there. So I am just trying to get used to that.
I can't wait to get home. I fly out on Tuesday night after work. THen I will play Magnum PI for a week. My kids sound like they are getting older each day. I don't know how I would do it if I was in the service. Well here is my recapp for the week of things on my mind:

The Suns should be up 3 games to 2. The Spurs should be down 3 games to 2. LOST was a good one. I am tired of Terri talking about sex. Tom Cruise is a nutcase...but I will still see his movie. House prices are messed up in Cali. I love the weather here!! Man should not be alone. My Amazing Race couple is still in it. Go hippies!! I miss my wife. Chicken pot pies are really good. I wonder if they are going to make a movie about the book "The Davinci Code". I love Sunday nights on OLN...Cycling night..Giro de Italia this week. I hope the Suns can pull this one off tonight. I'm out...